
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrate World Nutella Day!

I think we can all agree that Nutella is heaven in a jar. I purposely don't buy it for fear of developing a very real addiction...and thunder thighs.

But I'll make an exception for World Nutella Day on Saturday, February 5. Head over to Chicago's very own celebration at Multilingual Chicago from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. for an array of Nutella pastries, crepes and even hot cocoa. Admission is free but the pastries are not, so be sure to hit the ATM hard before you go. If you want to attend, just RSVP to so they have an idea of how much food they need.

And while you're there, learn some Italian at the free classes for adults and kids. Why Italian? Because Nutella was created in Italy. I don't know why, but I thought it came from Austrailian. Don't judge me.


  1. Are you kidding me? Wednesday was crepe day and tomorrow is Nutella day? This is the best week ever! Definitely celebrating this one tomorrow.

    Visiting from Fab Friends Friday. Happy weekend!


  2. Someone else blogged about this today, and between you and her, my craving for Nutella is now out of control. If you need me, I will be hiding in the closet eating an entire canister of Nutella. Don't judge me :)
    Stopped on over from FTLOB. Happy Friday!

  3. I agree when you say this is heaven in a jar! I could eat a jar in one sitting!!
